Dates for your Diary

February Dates

Our services are every Sunday at 10.00am and 6.30pm. There is a children’s creche ministry from 10.30am during the service.

February 10AM 6.30PM
2nd David Preston Andrew Houston
9th Johnston Lambe (Daniel 5: 1-31) Johnston Lambe
16th Andy Williamson (BCM) Ian McClean (MERF)
23rd Philip McCullough (Daniel 6:1-28) Jonny Doey
Prayer meetings: At 9.30am each Sunday before the 10am Morning Service and at 6.00pm before the 6.30pm Evening Service.

MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING: Thursday 6th at 8.00 pm


SUNDAY SCHOOL and bible class continues after morning service at 11.15am. Please encourage your children and young people to attend and bring their friends too.

Bowling will meet as usual on Wednesdays at 7pm – old and new members both male and female will be made very welcome.

THE WELL meets every Wednesday from 10am to 12 Noon. Everyone is welcome for a cuppa, scone and chat.

BALLYKEEL LADIES FELLOWSHIP meets this month on Tuesday 25th in the Darragh Room at 7.45pm
Mark, from Street Pastors will be with us that night to tell us about their work, which should prove to be both interesting and challenging. All ladies are welcome to join us whether or not you have been before. A cup of tea/coffee will be served afterwards.

SMALL Groups:

TOMMY AND TREVOR’S GROUP meet this month on Thursday 20th in the Darragh Room at 8pm. Anyone who has not been before and would like to come would be most welcome.

JOHN AND ANDREW’S GROUP meets on Wednesday 19th at 7.45/8pm starting a new study on Ephesians chapter 1.

IRISH MEN’S CONVENTION Saturday 1st March from 10am to 3pm at The Spires, Belfast. Philip Da Courcy is the speaker whose theme is Man on the Run – Lessons from Jonah. We have 2 tickets left cost £19 each. If anyone is interested in going, please speak to Andrew Houston. Cars will be leaving the Church carpark at 8.30am or some have decided to travel by train.

Contact Us

T: 07815 194 901 (Clerk of Session)

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